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Ghost in The Shell Version: Sitting, Crying, Laughing and the other shit I never talk about

Part 1: Human
Dark. Everything the same. I in the middle and in between. I don’t care. I never did or did I. It is peaceful in its own right. I just feel peaceful. With my own mind in my head and the lust just around the corner.

Part 2: Machine
I didn’t know where I was going with this but its all a matter of building a bridge. I want to let go. And feel that peace inside me.

I am sitting here here somewhere in the middle of nowhere. My eyes are closed, and my hand is holding onto a thin wooden chair that is not there. I am wondering how I am going to get this out. But the excitement is growing, and I can tell. I put my hand on my leg and close my eyes.

You may be wondering why i put it into two parts. The second was written by https://talktotransformer.com/ and took my writing with and run it through its database to complete the text. I think it did an amazing job.

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