Slopsided widdling around we are three can you hear the sound Like penguins filling up the air with new breath These eggs were all new…
Schreib einen KommentarSchlagwort: tinder
The movements of hips subtle hypnosis A rhythm we chose unnatural dosis Irregular waves we starting to crave Fitting into each other breathing so brave-…
Schreib einen KommentarYou are withered however blessed with great knowledge Your roots spread wide as you lived here for half a lifetime Feeling your bark tingles every…
Schreib einen KommentarThere is this thing that I call affection We surely got here something going on When I see you and me it is attraction A…
Schreib einen KommentarCorona take me oh my love can see the light as bright as dove when I feel how you just caught my breath there is…
Schreib einen KommentarYou linger in front of my eyes Your reflection got caught Are we telling lies The pots we cook in Are crooked and bend Our…
Schreib einen KommentarYour shine outlasts the eras here Don’t fight the cause I know you will You will be used that is for sure That was the…
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